Oral Care Starts Here

Drs. Kent Scoville, Ron Scoville and David Scoville are committed to the oral health and smiles of each and every one of our patients. We’re always there for you and your loved ones, whether you’re ready for general and preventative care, or you’re experiencing a dental emergency. No matter what you need, we treat you like family! 

Dental cleaning — Clearfield, UT — Hillside Dental

Cleaning & Exams

We recommend a professional dental cleaning no less than once every six months, in order to fight tooth decay and gum disease effectively. Along with proper brushing and flossing at home, our skillful hygienists are capable of removing hard-to-reach plaque toothbrushes tend to leave behind and build up over a period of time result in dental health issues in the long run.

To get a better experience when you come see us, make sure your at-home care is made up of good hygiene habits, use an ultra-sonic tooth brush paired with fluoride toothpaste. Trust me, we’ll notice!


Dental cavities are the most common symptom of tooth decay and affect millions every year. They result from bacteria residing in the plaque buildup on our teeth, which feeds on sugar left behind from the foods that we eat, creating an acid that begins to literally eat away at the enameled surfaces of teeth. We easily treat cavities, but proper brushing, flossing and cleanings prevent them.


Gingivitis is a gum disease that occurs as a result of plaque buildup on our teeth containing harmful bacteria that eventually causes tooth decay and will inevitably infect the surrounding tissue of our gums, causing painful swelling and even eventual bleeding. We offer a preventative care program that consists of regularly scheduled professional dental cleanings and treatment options that can treat the already advanced cases of gum disease.

Tooth Extraction

We always exhaust every option before resorting to extracting a tooth, but sometimes if there is trauma or severe tooth decay, it can’t be avoided. We have the ability to make tooth extraction a nearly painless experience.

Tooth extraction — Clearfield, UT — Hillside Dental


Endodontics, otherwise known as a root canal, is a common dental treatment we use to save the natural tooth when it would otherwise need to be extracted due to severe tooth decay or dental trauma that caused damage to the soft tissue at the core of our teeth, known as pulp. Pulp is a highly sensitive bundle of nerves and blood vessels, and if exposed, can cause extreme pain or even migraines. Today, root canals procedures don’t feel much different from having a filling, and this procedure saves millions of teeth every year.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown, which is sometimes called a cap, is a strong protective shell made from durable materials placed over a tooth to protect it from further damage, or in some cases, protect a root canal. Dental crowns prevent otherwise fragile or broken teeth from future decay. It may also help decrease sensitivity. 

jaw pain & TMJ: Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is a serious problem affecting a system of muscles and bones located in the hinge connecting your upper and lower jaw. It most frequently causes pain associated with an uncomfortable clicking sensation behind the jaw. TMJ symptoms differ for each individual, and not all of the effects are necessary for diagnosis. You may experience headaches, tinnitus, jaw point pain, swelling, neck pain, clenching, grinding, tight or sore muscles, and sometimes “locked” jaw.

Jaw Pain & TMJ

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is a serious problem affecting a system of muscles and bones located in the hinge connecting your upper and lower jaw. It most frequently causes severe pain associated with an uncomfortable clicking sensations behind the jaw. TMJ symptoms differ for each individual, and not all of the effects are necessary for diagnosis. You may experience headaches, tinnitus, jaw point pain, swelling, neck pain or have issues swallowing. 

Cosmetic Dentistry

We want you to love your smile! If you don’t, we can help with that!


An alternative to traditional metal braces that still straightens teeth with custom plastic trays that are removable and effective, without the unpleasant appearance of standard metal braces. 


Our quality made, custom built tooth implants will include the gentle placement of an artificial root into the bone structure of your jaw, which will then be the foundation to place your replacement tooth upon, producing a result that looks just like your natural teeth.


our top-quality porcelain veneers have the ability to cover a wide range of dental issues that include, chipped, crooked, misaligned, and cracked teeth, as well as any aesthetically displeasing deformation or discoloration that might be completely beyond your control, boosting your confidence by providing the sensation of a completely refurbished and beautiful smile.

Pro Whitening

we have professional in-office whitening treatments, as well as an affordable take-home treatment that will remove all the stains from the surface of your teeth and brighten your smile.


We offer both partial and complete cosmetic dentures to individuals that may be in need as a result of trauma or extraction due to severe tooth decay. A set of full cosmetic dentures can also be permanent, with an implant-supported hybrid prosthesis, which provides a number of high-quality dental implants directly bonded to the bone within a patient’s jaw, without the concern for removal.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea can be a serious condition, where you stop breathing when you’re sleeping. Snoring is one indicator, but not a guarantee. Left untreated, it can be severe, even leading to death. If you’re gasping for air, or suffer from chronic fatigue, you could have sleep apnea. It can also result in headaches and sore throat.

Dental sedation — Clearfield, UT — Hillside Dental

Sedation Dental

The most common option is nitrous oxide, or laughing gas which reduces anxiety and provides a feeling of relaxation. We also offer oral sedatives similar to Valium for those who want some extra help relaxing. Dr. Ron can provide IV sedation or “twilight sleep” which induces a dream-like state. This is commonly done for wisdom teeth or for very anxious patients. Lastly, general anesthesia can be provided to patients while under immediate supervision of one of our dedicated and skillful anesthesiologists.

Kids’ Dentistry

We encourage parents to start their kids’ healthy smiles off right and bring them to see a dentist around their first birthday. This helps with physical care for their newly erupted teeth, as well as staving off the anxiety a visit to the dentist can result in. The correct approach to pediatric dentistry will lay the foundation for dental care for years to come. We’re always excited to help educate your little ones and inspire them to strive for the best possible dental care.

Dental services for kids — Clearfield, UT — Hillside Dental

Call Us Today!

Hillside—(801) 776-8441

Lomond View—(801) 737-9442

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